Fossil Fuel Impacts


As we transition to cleaner energy resources throughout the economy, we must dramatically reduce the climate and health impacts of today’s oil and gas supply chain.

Methane Mitigation

The Fastest Way To Slow Climate Change

Reducing methane emissions is the simplest, most affordable way to reduce warming now. Methane is a super-charged climate pollutant, more than 80x more powerful than carbon dioxide over 20 years, and the oil and gas industry is the second largest source of global methane emissions.

A landmark United Nations (U.N.) assessment said cutting methane was among “the most cost-effective strategies to rapidly reduce the rate of warming.” Environmental Defense Fund research shows existing technologies could cut methane pollution in half by 2030 and slow the rate of warming by as much as 30%.

Methane Mitigation

The Fastest Way To Slow Climate Change

Reducing methane emissions is the simplest, most affordable way to reduce warming now. Methane is a super-charged climate pollutant, more than 80x more powerful than carbon dioxide over 20 years, and the oil and gas industry is the second largest source of global methane emissions.

A landmark United Nations (U.N.) assessment said cutting methane was among “the most cost-effective strategies to rapidly reduce the rate of warming.” Environmental Defense Fund research shows existing technologies could cut methane pollution in half by 2030 and slow the rate of warming by as much as 30%.

Pollution Reduction

Stronger Safeguards For Petrochemicals

Fossil fuels don’t just warm the planet. They create local air pollution that threatens the health of the communities where they’re produced and used. That’s true of power plants, highway traffic, and refineries and petrochemical facilities. Often these effects are worse for the least advantaged communities.